Tournament ChessAcademy.am
ChessMood Prizes
2021-07-14Dear participants, to nominate for the "Best Game" prize established by us, you have to:
1. Send your game in “pgn” to the following email address: hello@chessmood.com
2. Indicate your first and last name
3. Indicate the results of the game, who played it and in which group
4. Indicate the prize type (for example, “Best Game”)
5. Provide a contact phone number
To nominate for the "Best Saved Game" prize, you have to:
1. Send your game in “pgn” to the following email address: hello@chessmood.com
2. Indicate your first and last name
3. Indicate the results of the game, who played it and in which group
4. Indicate the prize type (for example, “Best Saved Game”)
5. Provide a contact phone number
To nominate for the "Best Move" prize, you have to:
1. Send your game in “pgn” to the following email address: hello@chessmood.com
2. Indicate your first and last name
3. Indicate the results of the game, who played it and in which group
4. Indicate the move you consider the best one (for example, 18 White, or 24 Black)
5. Provide a contact phone number