Tournament ChessAcademy.am
“Jermuk-2021” XV International Open Youth Chess Tournament
2021-06-23Jermuk resort town invites you to participate in “Jermuk-2021” XV International Open Youth Chess Tournament dedicated to the memory of Stepan Avagyan which is organized under the auspices of Chess Academy of Armenia. The tournament is to take place on 10 - 18 July, 2021.
The tournament is a 9 round Swiss Tournament which will be held in 2 age groups / A Tournament and B Tournament /.
Only the tournament A be sent to international calculation.
The total prize fund of the tournament is 1 300 000 AMD.
Our partner "ChessMood" has set special prizes for the participants of the tournament:
The best game - $100
The best "saved game" - $100
The best move - $100
As well as the winners of each age group will also receive a $200 "MoodCoin", which they can use at chessmood.com.
For further information or if you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to contact us:
Add.: Shevchenko 34, Yerevan, 0050, RA
Tel.: +374 10 44 84 76 (73)
E-mail: chessacademyarm@gmail.com